Skilled and experienced full stack Software Engineer adept in all stages of the software development life cycle. With proven ability in leadership, product marketing, and the overall management of a product's life.
Bringing forth the ability to determine product specifications, timelines, and in-depth development plan. Knowledgeable in UI/UX prototyping, developing, testing, debugging, and maintaining software systems. Proficient in an assortment of cutting edge technologies, including Python, PHP, ElectronJS, Google Cloud Platform, and Front-End Frameworks. Plus, being able to effectively collaborate as part of a productive team, as well as self-manage during independent projects.
Date of birth: 20 April 1998
Phone: +855-12-509-856
Location: 12158, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Equipped with various skillsets that would ensure your project delivered on time, within budget and fulfill beyond your expected requirements!
Successfully delivered multiple value added projects using agile and waterfall methodologies.
Effectively performing project's feasibility study, use case, and system artchitect.
Visually ensuring a consistent look and visual theme across the website with uniform formatting.
Successfully developing, integrating, and deploying web applications using various technologies.
Routinely performing automated testing tasks and ensuring high quality, bug-free system.
Efficiently performing the analysis using available datasets to deliver valuable analytics.
Leading and developing various web applications, systems which delivered value to clients companies and organizations. Some of the highlighted works are:
Developing proximity warning alert system to increase safety measure of construction site using technologies such as RFID, RTK, RabbitMQ, Django, and ReactJS.
Updating, developing classroom management system's module functionalities to increase customer satisfaction using technologies such as FuelPHP, and Amazon AWS.
Designing, developing frontend & backend of the human resource management system using technologies such as Laravel, MySQL, Data Science, and Machine Learning.
Analyzing, designing, devloping the examination system both web and desktop applications using technologies such as Django, ElectronJs, WebRTC, and PostgreSQL.
Deploying functionalities on client enterprise resource planning & customer relationship management system using technologies such as Python, and Odoo.
Designing, customizing, maintaining school management system for Kirirom Institute of Technology using technologies such as Python, Odoo, and OpenEduCat.
Initiating and contributing to various social humanitarian and extracurricular projects. Some of the highlighted projects are:
October 2017, Phnom Penh
The cancer remembrance and awareness event, which aimed to inform people about the prevalence of cancer. It brought together 500 participants and raised 10,000 USD.
February 2019, Phnom Penh
Winning a startup competition with 4,000 USD investment fund and an official visit to topmost technology companies such as Google, Microsoft, and LinkedIn in Singapore.
November 2019, Siem Reap
Simulating various leadership roles and situations to meet the demand of this current digital VUCA world. Enthusiastically obtained the 1st best overall team in the bootcamp.
Learning disciplines and practices of the great software engineer. At the same time, leading and developing various software projects that have been implemented at the university and companies. Grasping depth of various subjects, academic and social wide.
2016 - 2020, Bachelor, Kirirom Institute of Technology
2010 - 2016, General Education, Baktouk High School
Besides formal education, I am also keen on self-updating myself with new technology, management topics. Some of the prestigious completed courses are:
October 2019, SuperDataScience
Performing data ETL and visualization with Tableau, Gretl, MS SQL Server.
October 2019, Udemy
Chatbots with Google Dialogflow, Amazon Lex, IBM Watson.
Please click on the button below to download my curriculum vitae.
If you would like me to delivered high quality, economical project, please contact me. I am happy to help you improve your business!